
A simple framework for MVC web applications and RESTful APIs.

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mvc-webapp node module

A simple framework for MVC web applications and RESTful APIs.


Setup and First Webapp

  1. Follow these steps to get started with your first mvc-webapp:
mkdir test-app
cd test-app
npm init
npm install mvc-webapp --save
mkdir -p application/models
mkdir -p application/controllers
mkdir -p application/views
mkdir -p application/public

At some point this will be automated by a script, for now, it will involve some keystrokes.

  1. Add an entry point app.js on the root folder. This contains your app options and can be configurable via env-vars for container usage:
#!/usr/bin/env node

'use strict'

const webapp = require('mvc-webapp'){
	applicationRoot: process.env.PWD,
	listenPort: process.env.PORT || '3000',
	sessionRedisUrl: process.env.REDISCLOUD_URL || undefined,
	sessionSecret: process.env.SESSION_SECRET || 'NOT_SO_SECRET',
	redirectSecure: true,
	errorMiddleware: (err, req, res, _) => {
			status: err.status,
			message: err.message,
			stack:'env') === 'development' ? err.stack : ''

The error handling can be customized to return plain JSON, HTTP codes or an EJS rendered page, your choice.

  1. Add an initial controller, this will be automatically mapped to a path (login.js becomes /login//):
'use strict'

const express = require('express')
const router = new express.Router()

router.get('/', (req, res, _) => {
		status: 'OK',
		data: null

module.exports = router

This should be familiar to any Express user. A special exception is made for the index.js controller file, this is mapped to the root / folder. Additionally, any routes inside that controller, get appended as a method.

In order to render the EJS view, invoke the view (file)name in the res.render call:

res.render('index', {
	title: 'Homepage',
	user: 'octopie'
  1. Run using npm start or node app.js - added the env var DEBUG=”mvc-webapp:*“ to see what the framework is doing behind the scenes.

Docker Support

Add the following file to the root folder and docker build:

FROM node:latest

ADD . /app

RUN npm install

CMD ["npm","start"]

Also Checkout

  1. EJS Templates - this is what the views use
  2. Express - this is what powers the HTTP communication